Hydraulic Test Equipment
Ground support equipment - aht series
The AHT series is ground support equipment designed to perform the following functions:
- Provide a source of hydraulic power to operate the aircraft’s hydraulic systems and controls for functional and operational tests without the necessity of starting the aircraft engines.
- Test aircraft’s hydraulic system for function checks, for indication of malfunctions, for flow and pressure checks, leakages, etc.
- Filter, de-aerate and dehydrate the aircraft’s hydraulic fluid continuously during testing.
- Drain, flush and refill the aircraft’s hydraulic systems.
Our systems
AHT87 and AHT88 series
The AHT87 (diesel powered) and AHT88 (electrical powered) are compact and solid built hydraulic testers provided with a single hydraulic system. This series is developed for small and medium-sized helicopters, including the Lynx and Hawk trainer/fighter. This equipment can be lifted and placed by 4 persons in a cargo space of a truck or landrover.
Manually operated hydraulic test system
AHT94 and AHT95 series
The AHT94 (electrical powered) and AHT95 (diesel powered) are compact, solid, and manually operated hydraulic testers, provided with a dual outlet system. This series is developed for all helicopters and medium-sized aircraft including the C130 and can be delivered in ‘red oil’ and ‘skydrol’ variants for commercial aircraft.
Mobile hydraulic test system
AHT25, AHT30 and AHT35 series
The AHT25, AHT30 and AHT35 are mobile hydraulic testers suitable for all (fighter) aircraft such as the Eurofighter, the F18, F15, F16, Migs and other large aircraft, for example the C17. The equipment is provided with a complete dual hydraulic system and is suitable for use in high ambient/tropical temperatures. They can either be delivered in computer or manually controlled operation and in ‘red oil’ and ‘skydrol’ variants.
AHT82 and AHT83 series
AHT82 and AHT83 series
The AHT82 (electrical powered) and AHT83 (diesel powered) are computer operated hydraulic testers, especially developed for the German Air Force fighter aircraft such as Eurofighter and Tornado.
These units incorporate gas-in-oil measuring systems to detect and remove free gas in the hydraulic fluid of the aircraft, thereby increasing safety during aggressive maneuvering.
Mobile hydraulic test system
AHT85 and AHT86 series
The AHT85(diesel powered) and AHT86(electrical powered) are computer operated hydraulic testers, especially developed for the German Air Force helicopters and medium sized aircraft.
Mobile hydraulic test system
Hydraulic testers which are especially developed for the German Navy, for use on board of frigates carrying helicopters. These testers are resistant to forces up till 90 G of e.g. mine or grenade explosions.

AHT10 series
AHT10 series
The AHT10 is a compact, lightweight, manually operated and air-operated hydraulic test unit.
Customer specific options
A number of options which can be included in the testers are:
- The AA-GIO® system that measures the amount of un-dissolved gas in the high and low pressure system of the aircraft
- ECMU interface for use on EF2000 aircraft
- Oil contamination measurement, measuring water and particle pollution in the hydraulic fluid of the aircraft
- Extended hoses
- Electric driven cable drums
- Remote control.
Your Trusted Partner
Our customers are the end-users of powered ground support equipment and aircraft component test equipment, and we like to consider them as partners. In many cases equipment is developed in close coordination with them.
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Standard with Improved Closed Loop system
Contrary to a conventional closed loop system, with the Improved Closed Loop or Integrated testing/cleaning system, the hydraulic oil is continuously cooled, filtered, degassed and dehumidified. This system is a standard feature of all hydraulic equipment of Sun Test Systems.
The result is regenerated clean and de-aerated hydraulic fluid in the aircraft after hydraulic testing. Also maintenance time on the hydraulic system of the aircraft is reduced (less leakages, less replacement of hydraulic fluid, less waste) and operational reliability will increase and handling of the aircraft is improved.

Empowering Your Safety
Get in touch with Sun Test Systems today to learn how our reliable, innovative solutions can boost the safety and performance of your aircraft and vehicles.